Marxist approach to crime is based on conflict theory. Unlike the functionalist approach, it does not assume there is consensus over a common core of norms and values.
Marxism see deviance in terms if a critique of capitalist society. It
questions who defines what crime is and who makes the law. The basis of
the argument is that the ruling class,or capitalist class, exploit the
working class because power is held by those who own, and control the
means of production in society. The superstructure reflects the
relationship between the powerful and the relatively powerless.
The agencies of social control, the law and definitions of deviance reflect and serve ruling class interests.
The law is a tool of the capitalist ruling class, and the state uses
the law to support their own class interests while exploiting and
controlling the working class. The law is capitalist law and favours the
capitalist system.
Manipulation of the law
Many sociologists point out that in a capitalist society much of the law concerns the protection of property.
‘The history of criminal legislation in England and many other
countries, shows that excessive prominence was given by the law to the
protection of property’
[Hermann Mannheim, 1960]
[Hermann Mannheim, 1960]
As a result of this excessive need to protect property, the
capitalist state is often reluctant to pass laws which regulate
capitalist concerns which would affect their profitability.
‘The state is reluctant to pass – or enforce – stringent laws
against pollution, worker health and safety; or monopolies. Such
measures frighten off the much sought-after investment and engender the
equally dreaded loss of confidence.’
[Laureen Snider, 1993]
[Laureen Snider, 1993]
Even where laws appear to be designed to protect the consumer
(anti-pollution laws, unfair contract terms, health & safety),
theses laws are, in fact, shaped by the ruling class to promote their
own interests while giving the impression that they protect the working
‘The majority of laws in Britain and America work in favour of the
capitalists, yet many laws do also benefit the other social classes,
not only because the system needs a healthy, safe population of
producers and consumers but also because it needs their loyalty.’
[Pearce, 1976]
Corporate crime
[Pearce, 1976]
Corporate crime
Snider argues that ‘Many of the most serious anti-social and predatory acts committed in modern, industrial countries are corporate crimes’
Snider claims that corporate crime costs more in terms of money
and lives than street crime such as burglary. In the USA she points out
that annually about 20,000 people are murdered. Compare this figure to
the following: 14,000 deaths (industrial accidents & breach of
safety regulations), 30,000 consumer deaths due to unsafe consumer
products, 100,000 deaths from occupationally induced diseases.
In Britain, workplace accidents account for 600 deaths and 12,000 injuries annually.
Despite the costs of corporate crime, the penalties and chances of
prosecution are very small. Prosecution is usually a last resort.
Capitalism and crime
Marxists argue that the capitalist economic system generate crime as:
- The economic system is the major influence upon social relationships and values. Capitalism stresses maximisation of profits and wealth.
- Economic self-interest rather than public duty motivates behaviour.
- Personal gain rather than collective well-being is encouraged.
- Capitalism is a competitive system. Mutual aid and cooperation for the betterment of all are discouraged in favour of individual achievement at the expense of others. Competition breeds aggression, hostility and frustration on the part of losers.
William Chambliss (1976) argues that greed and self-interest motivate many crimes at all levels in society.
Selective law enforcement
According to Marxists, the occasional prosecution of a member of
the ruling class is only done to perpetuate the myth that the law
operates for the benefit of society as a whole. In other words, it is a
smokescreen to hide the truth that it is designed to protect the rich
and powerful and used against the working class.
Selective law enforcement also diverts attention from the
exploitation of the working class. It also directs the attention of the
working class on to criminals within their own class which acts as a
safety valve. This is also a way to divide the working class.