About the Leadership Program
The Leadership Program is part of the Bridging Silos project funded by Ford Foundation. The idea of this program is to engage and strengthen the practices of legal aid centres towards making access to justice a reality. These centres create an interface of students, teachers and communities to meet together and analyze the socio-economic challenges posed enabling a constructive engagement towards resolution and awareness.  

Objective and Purpose of the Program
Today, the COVID 19 pandemic has thrown greater focus into the lack of access to justice for the vulnerable and marginalized communities which is further exacerbated by the disproportionate effect of the countermeasures to the pandemic. Keeping this is mind, there is a need to awake in students, teachers a consciousness to pro-actively engage in redefining the strategies and style of work of the legal aid centres in a post-Covid scenario and on the other hand, in these times of apathy and acute alienation, these experiences gained by students goes to shape their consciousness of reaching out to make a difference. 

Through this Online Leadership Program, NLSIU is bringing together students, teachers involved in legal aid clinics and individuals/organizations working on the issues of the marginalized to discuss and draw from their experiences to elaborate on the role that could be played by the legal aid centres in a post-Covid scenario either by strengthening existing programs or developing newer initiatives which can provide a hands-on training to students,to encourage interaction and participation of students and teachers in a legal aid centre. 
15th May 2020 – 20th May 2020 
 2:30pm to 6:30pm 
Number of Participants
20-40 only.
Registration Fee
Last Date of Registration
 08th May, 2020
For Registration

Write to- hrlp@nls.ac.in

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