About Edited Volume of the Book

Centre for International Trade Law of National Law University Odisha proposes to bring out an edited book with a multidisciplinary approach on Fisheries Conservation and Trade in Fisheries: Towards Sustainable Use. Sustainable use of natural resources is very pivotal for ensuring long term prosperity and to prevent extinction of resources. Fisheries are one such natural resource which is over exploited. There is no doubt that fisheries have contributed significantly to global food security, livelihoods for many and not to mention the economy of the country. Fisheries play a crucial role in ensuring food security, employment as well as in livelihood in many countries, especially in developing countries and least developed countries. There has been a growth in seafood trade with the increased exports from the developing countries and with the advancement in storage and preservation technologies.

There is a growing interconnectedness between trade and resource conservation and the WTO can play a pivotal role in resource conservation. This has been evidenced in the WTO in United States- Import Prohibition of Certain Shrimp and Shrimp Products case. A healthy balance may be achieved if fish stocks are maintained within sustainable limits. The percentage of world marine fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels declined from 90 per cent in 1974 to 69 per cent in 2013. It is absolutely essential to achieve sustainable fishing not just for protecting the marine environment and the livelihoods which depend on fish stocks but for the World Trade Organisation as an institution itself if does not address a pressing environmental problem. Even the Goal 14 of the Sustainable Development Goals relates to ‘conserve and sustainable use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.’ To achieve this goal, certain targets and indicators were identified and accordingly target 14.4 and target 14.6 is relevant to fisheries conservation. Thus, there is an imminent need to balance the trade needs of a country, its food security and fisheries conservation. The proposed book aims at espousing the need for such a balance.


We invite original unpublished papers that may address one or more of the following themes:

o    Fisheries Conservation and Management Practices

o    Fisheries and the WTO

o    Emerging trends in sustainable fishing

o    Food security and fisheries conservation

o    Dependency of developing countries on fisheries

o    Fisheries conservation and environment

How to Submit?

 Academicians, scholars and trade lawyers having expertise in this area are invited to submit original unpublished paper on or before September 30, 2020 to citl@nluo.ac.in. Length of the paper should normally be between 5000 to 7000 words and an abstract of 200-300 words should also be sent along with the paper.

Submission Guidelines :

Only original papers will be accepted for publication. Revised version of papers that was published earlier will not be accepted. The book will be published by Centre for International Trade Law, NLUO. Copyright will be with Centre for International Trade Law, NLUO and the authors will have to sign a Declaration of Originality and Transfer of Copyright Agreement. With regard to the selection of papers, the decisions of Editors will be final. Submissions should be made in Microsoft Word. The paper shall be written in Times New Roman Font with size 12.

For More Details, Contact

Eluckiaa A.,

Assistant Professor of Law, NLUO

Mail:- eluckiaa@nluo.ac.in

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