About the Webinar
EIT Climate-KIC has
partnered with UNEP FI to produce this ‘thought leadership’ series that aims to
inspire financial actors worldwide to move from risk to alignment, challenge
current assumptions around climate alignment and develop ideas and concepts on
how alignment can best be achieved. We hope to encourage stakeholders that a
proactive climate response is not only about disclosing risks, but also about
investing in green opportunities that can enable the low emissions societies of
the future. This series convenes innovators and industry experts to provoke discussion,
challenge the status quo and guide the transformation of business and finance
towards a sustainable future.
“1. Achieving Alignment
in Finance"
The first in this series
will be presented by Dr Ben Caldecott, who explores what climate alignment
means for financial institutions, the barriers faced by financial institutions
wishing to align their portfolios, and finally taking a more granular look at
what alignment might mean for various dimensions of financial practice across
asset classes.
"2. Transformations
Required to Deliver 1.5°C and Global Sustainability"
The second paper is from
Dennis Pamlin, who takes a look at the actions necessary to deliver a 1.5°C
society and how the roles of economic and financial stakeholders need to transform
in response to the 4th industrial revolution.
Topic: Aligning Finance for the
Net Zero Economy: New ideas from leading thinkers
Organizers: Ben Caldecott (Oxford
University), Dennis Pamlin (RISE), Kirsten Dunlop (Climate-KIC) Eric Usher
Webinar Details-
Date : 2nd
September 2020
Time: 8 AM
Duration: 90 Minutes
For More Details, Click Here