About the University and the Event
The National Law University, Delhi, in collaboration with INSOL India, supported by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) and UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, has initiated a unique moot competition on Insolvency and Bankruptcy.
The fourth edition of the competition will be held on 10-12 December 2020. The theme is ‘Corporate Insolvency Resolution, including issues on Individual Guarantors and Cross-Border Insolvency’. The format of the competition is based on the process envisaged under the IBC.
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (IBC) came into effect on 1st December 2016. It is one of the most critical components of the financial architecture of the country involving a wide range of stakeholders. It is essential that the students of law, commerce and management understand the nuances of this specialised subject through both education and training in this field.
This will enable them to choose a career out of many streams of profession this branch of commercial law offers and prepare them for industry engagement. In light of the same, the inaugural edition of the competition was held during 11th-12th November 2017 at the National Law University, Delhi, India.
The representation will be through a team of not more than four (4) and no less than two (2) students.
All participants must be full-time candidates presently enrolled in an undergraduate degree programme in law or postgraduate/undergraduate degree management programme at the respective universities.
The fourth edition of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Moot Competition will be held at National Law University, Delhi (NLUD) during 10-12 December 2020, provided that the University opens by then and the event can be held in accordance with the COVID-19 guidelines. If not, the competition will be held online via Live Video Conferencing Session.
Registration Procedure
Registration may be done by sending an email along with the registration form to insolvency[at]nludelhi.ac.in and copy to contact[at]insolindia.com with the subject “Registration for Insolvency and Bankruptcy Moot 2020”. Any registration received after 30th September 2020 will not be considered.
To fill the Registration Form, Click Here
Fee Details
- The registration fee for the Moot is INR 3000 per team for national teams. The registration fee for international teams is US$ 100.
- The registration fee for the Moot is to be paid through an Online Payment Portal which shall be specified to the teams in due course, once the shortlisted teams have been notified on 15 November 2020. Such notified teams are required to email a screenshot of the online payment confirmation to insolvency[at]nludelhi.ac.in latest by 25 November, 2020.
Contact Information
For further information regarding the competition, contact Dr. Risham Garg (faculty coordinator) at insolvency[at]nludelhi.ac.in, Centre for Transnational Commercial Law (CTCL), National Law University, Delhi, Sector 14 Dwarka, New Delhi- 110078. INDIA.
To Download Moot Proposition, Click Here
To Download Moot Rules, Click Here