About the Program

Beginning your law school journey is full of hopes, anticipation, excitement & nervousness. This first step marks the beginning of a 5-year long pathway that has the potential to define the course of your personality, your career and your future. Every student enters law school with a different set of passion, vision & hopes for their law school journey – LedX is your guide and friend in this journey, holding your hand from the word go and helping you navigate this journey by mapping the milestones that help you reach the destination that you want to.

Law School is full of endless possibilities – there is something to do for everyone! Law is such a profession that is still exploring its full potential in the country and every year we unfurl a new plane of legal development in the country. In such a highly competitive world, knowledge is the one weaponry you have – EQUIP YOURSELF FOR THE WORLD OF LAW!

Who should attend?

  1. Law students currently in 1st or 2nd year of law school
  2. Students planning to pursue a career in law
  3. Law students in need of basic conceptual mentoring & guidance
  4. Law students who want to create a mapped strategy for their law school journey for the best outcome

Learning Outcomes

  1. This program will guide and train students in the very basic conceptual understanding needed for building a successful legal career
  2. This program will ensure that students from every institution have their core knowledge of factors that are important for holistic learning of law
  3. This program will train you in a manner that you are fully prepared to beat the anxiousness and competitive pressure of law school
  4. You will be able to navigate challenges in law school with ease and immediately put yourself ahead of your peers

Important Details

  • Last date of registration: 10th September 2022
  • Registration Fee: Rs. 299/-
  • Limited Seats: 100 students
Program Details

  • 15th September 2022: Law School Orientation– Career options in law, mapping your law school strategy – what to do, what not to do, how to ace & dominate law school
  • 16th September 2022: Legal Research & Reading – Orientation: Lifesaving Shortcuts & Tricks to know
  • 17th September 2022: Mastering Legal Research Tools, Basics of Microsoft Office
  • 18th September 2022: Co-Curricular Activities in Law School – Importance of Moot Court Competition, Debate, ADR, Conference
  • 19th September 2022: Legal Publications & Research Projects
  • 20th September 2022: Internships in law school – CV writing, where to apply, how to apply, when to apply
For More Details, Contact

+91 8069330003

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