About the Accords International (AcIn)

Accords International (AcIn) is the world’s premiere organization working in the area of conflict resolution. We are passionate about discovering innovative techniques in mediation and restorative justice for widening their scope as a mechanism of conflict resolution. AcIn empowers and supports people in confronting misunderstandings and conflicts at their home, workplace, and community in general. Our larger aim is to create a wider network of conflict resolution professionals, mediators, and restorative justice facilitators to provide better solutions for solving disputes without going to court.

About Mediation Academy South Africa

The Mission Statement of Mediation Academy South Africa (Pty) Ltd, is to empower individuals to establish successful SME’s in mediation, and to unlock new markets in mediation by utilising existing technologies and developing new technologies. They believe that the secret to doing this resides in bridging the digital divide. Mediation Academy SA (Pty) Ltd is accredited in SA & Internationally by the ADR International Register, by the South African Association for Mediators (SAAM), and the National Accreditation Board for Family Mediators (NABFAM).

About the Course

It is our pleasure to announce that Accords International is coming up with its second 60-Hour Accredited Foundation Learning Program in Mediation (Virtual) in collaboration with Mediation Academy South Africa (Pty) Ltd. The registrations are now open.


The course has been thoroughly audited by ADR Register, Global Network Group, Amsterdam which is one of the world’s leading accreditors of mediation courses. This is the only mediation program accredited and certified by ADR Register in India. 

Important dates

  • Early bird registration ends on December 18, 2022
  • Dates of Training: January 21, 22, 28, 29 & February 04, 05

Registration Fees

  • INR 16000
  • 200 USD

Contact Information

In case of any query please write to us at info@accordsinternational.org

Relevant numbers-

  • Akarsh Sharma: +91 9971912048
  • Akanksha Marwah: +91 97118 70725
  • Upasana Singh: +91 99715 70259
Important Links
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