About Centre for Vedic Sciences (CVS) 

The Centre for Vedic Sciences (CVS) is an institution for the study and research of the ‘Vedic Corpus’ in India which was established at Banaras Hindu University and funded by the government of Uttar Pradesh in the year 2018 for preserving and transforming the Vedic knowledge in contemporary India. The CVS is working for exploring the ignored ancient Indian Vedic Corpus related to various sciences through the study of ancient literature. The Center is also willing to publish monographs, critically edited text and translation, books and an International Refereed Research Journal Annually. The prime objective is to establish this Centre for Vedic Sciences as a premier institution of the world in the domain of Vedic sciences as a world-leading institution.

About Banaras Hindu University 

Banaras Hindu University is an internationally reputed temple of learning and ranks among the top universities of India in the field of academic and research output, situated in the holy city of Varanasi. This creative and innovative university was founded by the great leader, Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Jee, in 1916. The university comprises 8 Institutes, 15 Faculties, 146 Departments, 4 Interdisciplinary Centres, a constituent college for women, 4 affiliated colleges and 3 Constituent Schools, spanning a vast range of subjects pertaining to all branches of humanities, social science, law, technology, medicine, science, fine arts and performing arts. More than thirty thousand students are currently enrolled in university for different courses and research degrees. 

Concept Note 

Veda, the core of the Vedic tradition, is of supreme, eternal and immutable Jñāna. The Jaîmñi Sutra postulates three propositions, first, what is good for man can be learnt from the Vedas; secondly, it can be learnt from the Veda only; and thirdly, whatever the Veda says must be true. Vedas, as the source of law, provide the foundation for the evolution of law. Vedā, Saṁhîta, Bṛāhmana and Upanîṡad primarily constitute the foundation of the Vedic tradition of law. This knowledge database is of utmost significance for the welfare of individuals in present-day social order and State structure. In addition, Saṁhîtāconsists of injunctions of sacrificial acts and the several details bearing upon those acts. The Brāhmana contains explanations of legends, myths, notes on the performance of rituals, as well as explanations of particular sacred words from the Vedas. More commonly, it is used to refer to the explanation and meaning of a sacred word. The Upanîṡad, comprise of the concluding portions of the Vedas, they are called Vedanta i.e. the conclusion of the Vedas, and serve as the foundational texts in the theological discourses of Vedic traditions. Bhāratvaṙshflourished with the authoritative character of the Smṛitîs, they provide knowledge about the law in a simple and clear manner, what was already contained in the Vedas. The Smṛitîs have laid down definite rules and laws to guide the individuals and communities in their daily conduct and to regulate their manners and customs. The Smṛitîs have given detailed instructions, according to the conditions of the time, to all classes of men regarding their duties in life. These Smṛitîs have varied from time to time. The injunctions and prohibitions of the Smṛitîs are related to the particular social surroundings. As these surroundings and essential conditions of the Hindu society changed from time to time, new Smṛitîs had to be compiled by the sages of different ages and different parts of India. Ganganath Jha aptly remarked that Smṛitîs of Manu and Yājñavalkya are not mere law books. They deal in fact with all facets of Man’s activity, they treat life as one organic whole, more or less full account being found of all such subjects as Cosmology, Theology, Philosophy, Diplomacy, Kingship, Economics and the duties of the subjects. A whole range of topics of law in its concrete form emerges from these texts, to be administered and enforced by the king. The profound contribution of Vedic tradition and literature woefully received the least recognition in the academic sphere in India. Consequently, generations have been deprived of enormous knowledge of our revered intellects and their exceptional work. For academic and practical references, Western philosophy has been accounted at the largest extent, and awfully undermines the scientific contribution of Indian traditional knowledge. However, it is evident that modern Western jurisprudence is undergoing a deep crisis despite creating a host of schools and theories. Notably, solutions to vital problems of the present day lie in the synthesis of Parā and Apara Vidya of knowledge. Moreover, Vedic wisdom, and its potential application in the field of law to develop modern jurisprudence, is the best possible way forward to resolve issues and challenges in the political and social sphere

Theme and sub-themes

Vedic Jurisprudence & its impact on Contemporary World

The Centre for Vedic Sciences has decided to organise this International Conference on the same theme. The themes and sub-themes for the workshop include: 

1. Vedic Philosophy and Jurisprudence 

 Dharma as a Source of Jurisprudence and Law, Legal Principles in Vedas and Smritis, Concept of Duties and Rights in Indian Society, Ethics, Morality and Law, Duty Based Society. Human Rights, Role of Shastras in Contemporary Indian Society 

2. Vedic Tradition and Constitutional Values 

 Rajdharma and Good Governance, Mimansa Rules and Interpretation of Law. Mimamsa Rules and Indian Judiciary, Vedic Environmental Jurisprudence. 

3. Interface of Vedic Nyaya Shastra with the western Concept of Justice 

Principles of Justice in Vedas and Modern Western thought, Nyaya philosophy of Jaimini’s and its applicability in the Modern legal system, Stories in Vedas concerning Justice, Justice without Law, Role of the King in the Administration of Justice. 

4. Principle of Wrong and Procedure

 Civil Wrong, Criminal Wrongs, International Crime, Procedure for Implementation of Law, Concept and Forms of Punishment. Justification for Punishment i.e. Expiation, Atonement, Just Deserts, Individualization of Punishment. 

 5. Family Law Perspective 

Law relating to Marital and Quasi Marital Relationships, Law relating to Parental and Quasi Parental Relationships including Legitimacy and Adoption, Law of Joint Hindu Family: Coparcenary and Coparcenary Property, Law of Partition, Law of Debts and Doctrine of Pious Obligation, Law of Inheritance, Stridhana, Status and Rights of Women. 

6. Commercial Law Perspective 

Meaning and Kinds of Property, Ownership and Possession: Nature and Modes of Acquisition, Tax Structure and Punishment for Default, Land Rights. The above-mentioned themes are not exhaustive. Other topics relevant to the themes of Law and Vedas may also be discussed during the conference

Registration and Submission details

Registration Link- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6OV8h8qpMSuuj_BZsEj3zEwdfVJtoSx_zP9J_a3J7JuL1w/viewform

All submissions shall be accompanied by a cover letter and a brief CV of the author. The Manuscript shall be E-mailed to icvedicjuris@bhu.ac.in

General Guidelines of Paper- See Brochure or Official Link given below.

Registration fee for Participation 

Faculties/ Research Scholars/ Professionals/Students and Others - Rs. 800/-

  • Foreign Delegates and Foreign Participants are exempted from registration fees.
  • Foreign Delegates, Foreign Participants, and all Paper Presenters (Indian) will be provided free accommodation facilities for the conference duration within the university campus.
  • Other participants may either manage on their own or may write to the organizing committee for paid accommodations.
  • All the Paper Presenters will also be given due remuneration admissible as per the rules.
Account details of the conference

  • Name- Vedic Jurisprudence Conference 2023
  • Account No- 41490945822
  • IFS Code- SBIN0000211
  • Branch Name- SBI BHU

Important Dates

Last Date of the Abstract submission:  15th January 2023

Last Date of the Full Paper submission: 5th February 2023

Important Links

Official Link- Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. (bhu.ac.in)

International Conference on Vedic jurisprudence brochure: Click to Download
Guidebook for ReferencesClick to Download
Registration Form: Click to Download


Official EmailID- icvedicjuris@bhu.ac.in

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